In the past, we have always been fans of fuyu keycaps, from GMK fuyu keycaps to Milkyway fuyu keycaps.
It is a great honor to have the designer's authorization this time, so we also hope to create a perfect switch: the sound is just right, the extreme smoothness, the affordable price, and the stable switch
On the fuyu switch, we constantly adjusted and after several rounds of debugging, we finally got what we wanted, hoping to also be liked by the community
On the fuyu switch, we used the latest cross stem mold from wikuo/lichicx, which has undergone multiple modifications and adjustments before its official launch to ensure the best feeling can be achieved.
In terms of materials, we have selected multiple nylon materials
After repeated experiments and comparisons, this polymer nylon was ultimately selected
Finally achieving a balance between smoothness and sound
A total travel of 3.5mm will also make the overall sound more HIFI
But it won't make the feel abrupt
fuyu switch Specifications:
- Linear
- 58g spring(18mm)
- POM Lengthen stem
- Polymer nylon top housing
- Polymer nylon bottom housing
- 5 pin
- 3.5mm Travel
- Made by Wikuo/Lichicx
- Mild lubrication
- Designed by Moyu.studio
什么是 [GB]、[预购]
什么是团购?团购 (GB) 是一种产品在生产之前的预购。 GB 通常开放数周。在团购结束日期之后的某个时间点,通常在一周内,供应商向制造商下订单。
什么是预购? “预购”一词通常用于指 Moyu.stuidio 购买的额外产品(“Extras”),以便在团购期结束后出售。这使得错过团购的人有机会购买产品,而不会受到过高的售后价格的影响。考虑到持有这种额外库存的机会成本,Extras 的价格通常高于团购价格。 Moyu.stuidio 还使用预购术语来表示已经订购并正在生产或运送给供应商的物品。运费:在团购的情况下,一旦团购期结束,产品订单就会下达。然后,根据预计的时间表,产品被制造并发货 Moyu.studio。一旦我们收到产品履行将开始,您将收到您的订单发货通知。
我们有 7 天退货政策,这意味着您在收到商品后有 7 天时间申请退货。要获得退货资格,您的商品必须与您收到的商品处于相同的状态,未磨损或未使用,带有标签,并且处于原始包装中。您还需要收据或购买证明。要开始退货,您可以通过 support@moyustudio.world 联系我们。如果您的退货被接受,我们将向您发送退货运输标签,以及有关如何以及在何处寄送包裹的说明。不接受在未事先要求退货的情况下寄回给我们的物品。如有任何退货问题,您可以随时通过 support@moyustudio.world 联系我们。
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